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Anthony Fantano's Wife Dominique Boxley: Who is she?

What is Dominique Boxley exactly? What happened to them? What is the reason for the rumours that they are divorcing? Stay with us if this intrigues you.

Who is Anthony Fantano?

Anthony Fantano, an American music critic and YouTuber, was born in 1985. He is the YouTuber and owner of the website that goes along with the channel. His website and YouTube videos review and discuss a wide variety of music.

The Early Years of His Life

Fantano was a teenager when he lived in Wolcott. Jello Biafra - former lead singer of the hardcore punk group Dead Kennedys - is credited with sparking Fantano's interest in politics as a teenager.

Fantano started his career in college radio as a music director during the mid-2000s. Fantano hosted The Needle Drop, a WNPR program, in 2007. He began The Needle Drop the same year with Jay Reatard, a written and video review series. Fantano said that seeing his review of Flying Lotus' album Cosmogramma from 2010 in YouTube's "Featured Video" section "hinted him" to continue creating video reviews. Fantano deleted previous reviews with music clips from 2010 to avoid DMCA violations. He was also working at a local pizza shop while working on The Needle Drop. He left WNPR in 2011 to focus on The Needle Drop. Fantano was denied a music review show on Adult Swim.

Spin reports that by November 2016, Fantano started a second YouTube Channel, "thatistheplan", where he posted "irreverent video clips" and analysed memes. In October 2017, The Fader accused Fantano of promoting alt-right views on "thatistheplan". Fantano has been attacked for insulting feminists and using Pepe the Frog images. After publishing the article, many "The Needle Drop" U.S. Tour dates were cancelled. One ticket booking website for a Brooklyn Date cited the Fader Article.

Fantano said the article was a "hit job" in a YouTube video. He denied alt-right sympathies and said that the videos were satire. After both sides had settled their claims, The Fader removed the article. In an interview with The Fader, Fantano acknowledged that "thatistheplan's" "grubby and closed-minded male viewers" were aggressive and young. He also disputed the "toxic" and "problematic" side of Internet humour.

Fantano reached a million subscribers in 2017 and expanded his content to include "weekly track roundup" videos and live-streaming Q&As. He also began producing video thought pieces.

Fantano appeared in Lil Nas X’s "Old Town Road", a video released on June 19, 2019, as an Area 51 Security Guard (a reference to "Storm Area 51") meme.

The album was released in the fall of that year. The proceeds went to the Immigrant Legal Resources Center.

Fantano uploaded a video to his second channel on September 15, 2022. He said that Drake had sent him a recipe for vegan cookies via Instagram. Drake dissed Fantano on Instagram the following day. Fantano joked on Instagram Live about the surprise.

Conversations about the Personal

Fantano resides in Connecticut. He was married for a time to Dominique Boxley but filed for divorce in 2022. After being vegetarian in his late teens, he switched to a plant-based diet.

Fantano said to Polygon in March 2018 that he was a "purist" of free speech. He backed Bernie Sanders as the 2020 candidate for President of the United States.

Anthony Fantano's Wife Dominique Boxley: Who is she?

Drake mentioned Fantano’s wife in an Instagram story. However, it appears that the YouTuber has divorced the "black woman" Drake was referring to.

Tuko claims that Dominique Boxley has worked as an actress and screenwriter.

Fantano, one of the best-known music critics in the world, is a private person. In an older video, Fantano said that Boxley was his friend since they shared a love for music. Their first trip together was to Hershey in Pennsylvania.

They got married in the middle of 2010. Fantano invited Boxley to appear in his videos after their relationship became known. 2011, on Valentine's Day, the wife posted her first YouTube video. They discussed 10 different love songs.

Boxley has appeared in several videos since then. Fantano, on the other hand, didn't make many videos because he preferred to keep his private life secret.

People began to wonder if the couple was getting divorced when Fantano stopped featuring and mentioning his wife Boxley in his videos. The couple denied the rumours in a video posted on YouTube in late 2018.

The music critic stated that they had a personal relationship.

We value our privacy, and so we have kept the relationship private. You should know that my web program is not about how my marriage is going, but rather my opinion on music.

Divorce Rumours between Anthony Fantano & Dominique Boxley

People began to talk online about Anthony Fantano and his divorce from Dominique Boxely. On Reddit, people also had a lot of things to say about Anthony Fantano's divorce from his wife, Dominique Boxley.

After hearing it online, people discuss Anthony Fantano's divorce from his wife, Dominique Boxley. If this is true, fans of Fantano were not happy with the news.

The YouTuber, however, has not commented on the rumours about a divorce. The two were together for many years before they married. They both lived together in Connecticut. Fantano denied that he would get divorced in the past, but now it appears genuine. A picture of what was said to be Fantano's divorce papers leaked on the Internet. Twitter user @wholelottanews stated that the divorce documents were made public due to his "ratings for Ken Carson's and Destroy Lonely albums."

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